Monday 9 September 2013

Day 1 JW Fitmap Challenge

September 9, 2013

Well I did it.  I started the challenge...again.  Each challenge I make it further but never finish but this time, I am taking this one from a different angle.  I have personal help this time with a meal plan and some extra support is in place.  I have to take measurements and photos every two weeks.  I also started this blog to see if I can keep myself accountable for my actions.

This morning I got up at 5:10am and turned on the iPhone in search of some Facebook motivation.  I managed to drag myself out of bed and head to the gym.  Week 3 day 1 I killed 713 cal in 1:06.  My weights were weaker than usual but I figure within a couple weeks I will be back on track.

Eating so far is good.  I missed my oats this morning but I figure I can make this up throughout the rest of the day.  I am taking pics with a paper tonight and will be including measurements and I might even (against my better judgement) throw in a scale weight.  Hell why not.

Starving!!  Time to eat!!